Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Neuro Note 4

Today, I decided to write my neuro note on a TedTalk called, “Tourette Does the Talking: Thomas White”. This is a talk given by a senior at the University of Notre Dame, Thomas White, whom has Tourette’s syndrome. He speaks about his daily challenges with fighting this neurological battle. This syndrome plays a major role in his daily routines and encounters with other people.  I chose to watch this video because of the little I know about this neurological disorder. Before watching this video, my knowledge of Tourette’s syndrome was very limited. However, now I know that it is a syndrome that is a result from a chemical imbalance in the brain that inhibits involuntary motor or vocal tics. Although the majority of the talk is about Thomas White’s daily struggles, one of the main points he states is that we should all celebrate the beauty of life, not matter what our troubles are. He goes on to talk about that we all have problems, but we’re all in the same boat and can triumph our own “plagues” together. At the point that we all realize this, we can focus on hope and action of who we are and what we can become. He ends his talk with, “We should all embrace the life we live and each word is a celebration and has hope.” To me, this video was so inspiring and really got me thinking about how can occupational therapy be used to help people with Tourette’s syndrome manage their occupations and daily routines. After further research, I have learned that the OT service would vary depending on the individual’s severity and kind of TS. Many OTs work with individuals that are diagnosed with TS using a sensory approach. Some OTs go into further training to learn techniques in CBIT, or Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics.

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