Thursday, April 27, 2017

Memphis Rollin' Grizzlies

After talking about different spinal cord injuries in class I found myself very interested in the different sports that have been altered to include people in wheelchairs. My class was invited to the Memphis Rollin’ Grizzlies practice and I was very excited to say the least. After going to the Memphis Rollin’ Grizzlies practice, I knew exactly what I wanted to write my next neuro note on. I had always heard of adapted sports for people in wheelchairs, but have never experienced it first hand.
            During this practice, I saw the Memphis Rollin’ Grizzlies scrimmage a game of wheelchair basketball. The amount of upper body strength and athleticism that went into this sport was incredible. They had to not only coordinate the sport of basketball, but also play while in a wheelchair. Their drive for the game was so inspiring. These guys did not let their various disabilities keep them from playing basketball.
            I am so glad that I followed up on my interest of the sport and went to practice to further my knowledge. I think my biggest take away from this blog post is to always encourage people to continue doing the activities they enjoy in some form or fashion. Some of these guys started out their adulthood with different goals, when a sudden accident altered their life forever. They didn’t let there knew way of life stop them from playing basketball, but found a different way to play. To be a better occupational therapist I think it is important to know about different community opportunities to better engage and encourage clients. Many people do not know that activities such as wheelchair basketball are available in their communities. As OTs, we should make the public more aware of these kinds of activities and involvement!

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